The Nold Family 4!

The Nold Family 4!

October 14, 2008

My Husband the Captain

Just had to honor my husband for just a minute. He is a hard working man who loves his family as much as any man ever could, he works hard and provides a beautiful life for us. He always does everything with the best intentions, with our needs, wants and desires in mind, and works to improve the quality of our already very blessed life. He is loving and kind, giving and generous, he puts his family before himself (except during hunting season, when I'm supposed to cut him some slack), he is selfless, funloving, an incredible daddy and a loving, wonderful husband. He loves God and works daily to rely on Him and His purpose for our lives. We all know that's a very hard one to do! I am proud to have Tim in my life and feel blessed to share my life and children with him, forever.

Until the next opportunity rolls around, Tim will be pretending to work hard (as he always does, you know the life of the fire service) as a Captain and his family is very proud of him! Thanks Tim, for all you are and all you do.

Now take a look at the fun photos we took at Flaming Geyser State Park last weekend. We had fun and got to play around in the leaves. Don't the kids look great?

October 10, 2008

It's Been a While

The last few months have flown by but have been full of many different things. Let me take a few steps backwards and fill you in.

August started with the continued stay of our Japanese exchange student, Yurika. We had a wonderful, busy, fun filled time while she and the other 19 students were visiting. They all arrived on July 22 and stayed through August 11. The first couple days were rough. Tim was working a 3 day and communicating with a foreign exchange student with minimal speaking English was difficult. It got easier and by week two things were really moving along. Yurika and I became very close and Emma loved having a new 'friend' to 'play with'. And boy, did she ever take advantage of the play time with Yurika! There were times I felt bad for taking advantage of my quiet time. Yurika went to class nearly every day and had fun afternoons visiting the local areas and famous Pacific NW attractions. Our family joined the students on their trip to Snoqualmie Falls, Chuck E Cheese, Boehm's Chocolate Factory and a few others. It was great and we are sooooo loocking forward to welcoming another student this coming summer.

Yurika was set to leave on August 11 and return to Japan. Tim had to leave for Denver on August 10. He was honored to be invited by his chief (out ouf many other possible people) to attend the 2008 IAFC Conference in Denver, CO for a week. This was a great opportunity to meet some of the chief's and spend some time talking with the head chief of his department. For those of you that don't know, Tim is going for a promotion to Battalion Chief this month and has been working very hard to achieve that position. After Yurika left, I had some time on my own with the kiddos before heading off to join Tim in CO. I was really looking forward to a little adult time with Tim and the oppoetunity to really dress up for the formal awards dinner night. I even got a beautiful black dress to wear (see the photos to the right). The weather HAD been beautiful prior to my arrival, but I guess Seattle decided to join me and we spent the remainder of the weekend in pouring down rain!

After we got back from CO, the rest of August was pretty low key. And we headed into September, school season (stay tuned) and fall (which arrived right on time according to the calendar). We really enjoyed our summer together, had a great time with the kiddos, watching Jacob grow, celebrating Emma's 3rd birthday with an awesome party and lots of friends, a few days at the park, camping with friends and introducing Yurika to the windy E. WA weather, and lots of nights BBQing our dinner! So, my end to summer is the beginning of September. I always feel that summer ends when school begins, although the calendar may say otherwise. Emma, our baby grown into a big girl but always my baby, started preschool this September. Wow! I can't believe she is already in preschool. It's so much fun seeing her learn and come home every day with a new song she learned and a new art project to put on the fridge. Yes, I'm that mom that has to display my kiddos school work on the fridge. I'm proud of her, and amazed, what can I say?!

October has just begun and we're in full swing. I started sewing this fall and have a table runner and skirt for Emma in the works. I also bought two stockings to make for the kiddos. I didn't realize how much work those were going to take, so Emma's is going to have to wait until next year! I'm already planning the holidays and can't wait for cooking, baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating and all that comes with the holiday season. We have been so blessed with our life and God is so good. I thank Him every day for our blessings and always remember the littls things. It's so easy to take things for granted. I know He will continue to provide for and bless us and we will continue to rely on Him, serve and honor Him. Our family wishes you all well and, though 24 hours goes by so quickly, hours turn into days turn into months, we think of you all, miss you and love you.