The Nold Family 4!

The Nold Family 4!

January 19, 2008

Parenthood, a Blessing!

Wow! I'm writing this from a mom perspective, but I think I can probably speak for Tim as well. Just change mom to dad for his perspective :-) I am so blessed! More blessed than I could have ever imagined for myself. Sometimes I wonder what good deed I did to have deserved such a wonderful husband and two beautiful, healthy children! I sometimes feel unworthy of such 'wonderfulness'!

You may have heard me say before that a child is the greatest gift God can give a person (2nd really to salvation, but great still). When I had Emma, I said that God had entrusted me with the biggest job a person can have, to raise a child in the likeness of God Himself. What a task! It's sometimes so overwhelming. What a trusting God to give me one of His precious children to raise, to love, to care for, to guide. But I can do it. Just like everything else in life, God doesn't hand us something we cannot handle, something we cannot accomplish. All He asks is that we trust wholely in Him and rely on Him for all our needs. That's something I'm still working on, but strive each day to do. That is how I will be successful in raising His two precious children!

Emma and Jacob are the two greatest joys in my life, and Tim (not in a religious sense) is my salvation, my rock and my humor when I cannot find my own. Bringing Jacob home has been both joyous and challenging at the same time. Once again I find myself adjusting to being a new mom, the demands a nursing newborn has on my time, my energy, my body. Then I find myself helping Emma adjust to her new role in the family, no longer the baby but a big sister and an incredible helper! She really loves Jacob and loves being involved in his care. She talks to him when he's upset and crying and the first thing she asks for in the morning is to see Jake. She really loves him and I am so thankful for that!

Well, parenthood continues with it's joys and challenges, ups and downs. We'll stumble, we'll fall and we'll pick each other back up and move forward. It's fun, it's hard work, it's frustrating and joyous. But the only thing that matters is that God has blessed us incredibly!

January 11, 2008

Baby Nold has Arrived!

Yes! Our new bundle finally made his grand debut. Yes, I said "his". Jacob Stone Nold arrived Thursday January 10th, 2008 at 9:37 am. He weighed in at 9lb. 4oz. and 20 inches long. He has blonde hair and is absolutely adoreable. His big sister, Emma, is so proud and loves being a big sister! She is so anxious to help with everything and really enjoys holding him. We're working on "sharing" him with others and that may take a while. Mom and baby are doing well and we are all adjusting. Enjoy the photos and check back often for more Adventures in Family Life!