The Nold Family 4!

The Nold Family 4!

December 28, 2007

Patience is Not My Virtue

I've never really been a patient person. I'm the kind of person who likes to know what's coming next, I like to plan and I'm not very big into surprises (although when it comes down to it I do like them).

Patience is proving to be stretched very thin these days. I am 37 1/2 weeks pregnant and very, very excited and anxious to meet our new baby (not to mention very tired and uncomfortable). At this point in pregnancy with Emma, I was not dialated or effaced (meaning my body was doing nothing to prepare for labor). This time, I am 50% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dialated. True, this could mean I could go into labor today or in 3 weeks, but the positive side of me is hoping for the first possibility.

I'm praying daily for patience, for a healthy baby, labor and delivery. But, really what I want to pray for is to meet our baby today, tomorrow, even the next day. I think when it comes down to it I am just afraid of going too much longer, the fluid retention, the weigh gain, the discomfort, the anticipation...It's really not my plan, I know. But wishful thinking is okay, right?

December 17, 2007

Our New Adventure

You all know that Tim and I never lead a dull life. We got engaged, bought a house, got married and got pregnant all within 8 months. Then, just when life was starting to be normal again, we got pregnant again while beginning a huge remodel on our house. Adventure must be our middle name! So, we thought it would be fun to keep you all updated on the happenings and adventures in our lives!

We have really enjoyed keeping you updated on Emma and how she is growing and learning. We would really like to keep you updated on our new addition, when she/he arrives, as well. But, I thought two websites would be too much to manage, since you have already seen how well I keep Emma's site updated. Emma's own site is going 'bye-bye' and we have adopted this new family site to keep you updated on everyone. Being a work at home mom of two will prove another adventure, but we'll do what we can to keep you updated with blogs, blurbs and photos.

Stay tuned with us to the new adventure that's about to begin!