The Nold Family 4!

The Nold Family 4!

April 19, 2008

I can't believe we're past the middle of April and we're getting snow! Tim, of course, loves it and I'm left rolling my eyes wondering what kind of weather to expect next. Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. Time flies even faster since we welcomed Jacob into our family, more than 3 months ago!

Jacob is getting so big and is so much fun! He smiles often and coos all the time. You can tell when he is really getting into something because he kicks his legs like crazy! He's getting used to sitting in his Bumbo seat and is getting better at tummy time. He still seems so little to me but is so strong and I think he'll roll over, sit up and crawl before Emma did. Jacob loves Emma and watching her every move. Emma is still a great help and an awesome big sister.

Tim is looking forward to opening day of fishing season next weekend. He has 5 days off and is planning to take Emma fishing Saturday morning. She is such a daddy's girl and loves every minute they spend together! We are all looking forward to our first camping trip next month! We have a trailer this year and are excited to get to use it. We're also looking forward to taking the kids to their first Mariner's game this season. Tim has been honored by being selected to go to a chief's conference in Denver this August. Tim has worked so hard this year, going above and beyond, and is hoping to get a chief promotion later this year. This invitation to the conference is a big deal and we are all proud of him!

We're all doing great and loving every minute of family life! God has blessed us and we are so thankful for our continued good health and the opportunities He blessed us with. We hope this update finds all of you doing well too. Until next time...

April 5, 2008

Blank Slate

When I was pregnant with Emma, I distinctly remember a phone conversation I had with my mom. I was crying, emotional and overwhelmed at the prospect that God was blessing us and entrusting us with His child. He had given us His child to care for, to love, to raise as He would raise His child. That thought is overwhelming and amazing! Again, when I was pregnant with Jacob, I was in awe at the thought that yet again God had entrusted us with one of His children. What a gift!

Although I enjoy hearing what he has to say, I don't often watch Dr. Phil. I just don't have the time. But last night I had it on briefly and something he said caught my attention. Our children are born a blank slate and every day we write on it. What a powerful statement! Having it expressed in that way really put it all in perspective. We are fully responsible for shaping our children, for molding them and making them who they will be. Genetics plays a certain role, but when they are born they are blank slates. Think about that...