The Nold Family 4!

The Nold Family 4!

September 16, 2008


I've come upon some blog by families of children with Trisomy 18. I didn't know much about this disorder (and I'm probably even wrong in calling it a disorder) and I still don't know much about it. I just know that each time I read a blog and see the precious face of another baby with Trisomy 18 I am thankful. I am thankful for my two healthy children and for not having to face the trials and adversity, grief and sorrow that a family of a Trisomy 18 child does. Be thankful for your healthy children, every day, every minute. And do not forget how precious they are!

September 2, 2008

Every time I blink my eyes

I got a text from my mom this evening.

"I have been very blessed to see her every few days for all her 3 years and I am still not sure when she got so big."

"It happens every time I blink my eyes," I responded.

It's true. Every time I blink my eyes, it's only for a second. But when I open my eyes she's bigger, taller, smarter, wiser, more beautiful and grown up than before I closed my eyes.