The Nold Family 4!

The Nold Family 4!

December 17, 2008

Teach the Children

I guess really we should teach the world. Because as the years pass, the true meaning of Christmas, the truth behind Christmas and why we celebrate, gets lost and pushed aside. I found this great story online. Although it's not the Bible version of the Christmas story, it is a great reminder of what Christmas is and why we celebrate. And it gives us new things to look for in our traditional Christmas decorations and celebrations. But remember, CHRIST is the reason we celebrate.

This is how it happened...I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house. I opened the door to the front room and to my surprise, Santa himself stepped out from behind the Christmas tree.

He placed his finger over his mouth so I would not cry out. "What are you doing?" I started to ask. The words choked up in my throat, and I saw he had tears in his eyes. His usual jolly manner was gone. Gone was the eager, boisterous soul we all know.

He then answered me with a simple statement. "TEACH THE CHILDREN!"

I was puzzled; what did he mean? He anticipated my question, and with one quick movement brought forth a miniature toy bag from behind the tree. As I stood bewildered, Santa said, "Teach the children! Teach them the old meaning of Christmas. The meaning that now-a-days Christmas has forgotten."

Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a FIR TREE and placed it before the mantle. "Teach the children that the pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year round, depicting the everlasting hope of mankind, all the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts turning toward heaven."

He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR. "Teach the children that the star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Savior for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of His promise."

He then reached into his bag and pulled out a CANDLE. "Teach the children that the candle symbolizes that Christ is the light of the world, and when we see this great light we are reminded of He who displaces the darkness."

Once again he reached into his bag and removed a WREATH and placed it on the tree. "Teach the children that the wreath symbolizes the real nature of love. Real love never ceases. Love is one continuous round of affection."

He then pulled from his bag an ornament of himself. "Teach the children that I, St. Nick, ( Santa Claus ) symbolize the generosity and good will we feel during the month of December."

He then brought out a HOLLY LEAF. "Teach the children that the holly plant represents immortality. It represents the crown of thorns worn by our Savior. The red holly represents the blood shed by Him."

Next he pulled from his bag a GIFT and said, "Teach the children that God so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON..." "Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.

"Teach the children that the wise men bowed before the Holy BABE and presented HIM with gold, frankincense and myrrh. We should always give gifts in the same spirit of the wise men."

Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a CANDY CANE and hung it on the tree. "Teach the children that the candy cane represents the shepherds' crook. The crook on the staff helps to bring back strayed sheep to the flock. The candy cane is the symbol that we are our brother's keeper."

He reached in again and pulled out an ANGEL. "Teach the children that it was the angels that heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth. The angels sang 'Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will toward men."

Suddenly I heard a soft twinkling sound, and from his bag he pulled out a BELL. "Teach the children that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should ring mankind to the fold. The bell symbolizes guidance and return."

Santa looked back and was pleased. He looked back at me and I saw that the twinkle was back in his eyes. He said, "Remember, teach the children the true meaning of Christmas and do not put me in the center, for I am but a humble servant of the One that is, and I bow down to worship HIM, our LORD, our GOD."

November 24, 2008

20+ Years in the Making

June 12, 1988 - Tim graduated from North Kitsap High School, Tammy went into labor.
June 13, 1988 - Tammy gave birth to a beautiful, healthy little girl they named Aimee Marie Sloan.
June 15, 1988 - Tim and Tammy said goodbye to their little girl. Together they made the difficult decision and opted for a better life for their little girl. They knew that, at their young ages, they could not offer this baby girl the life she deserved.
June 16, 1988 - Aimee was adopted by a wonderful, loving husband and wife, hand picked by Tim and Tammy, and given the name Nicole Star Asimakoupoulos.

Tim and Tammy never stopped thinking of, praying for and loving Nicole. They thought of her often, wrote letters and cards throughout the years, and thought of the day, someday, maybe, that they may be able to meet again. Tim and Tammy went their separate ways, each married and had two children, each had a boy and a girl, with their spouse. Throughout the years, Tim and Tammy remained very close friends and talked often, but always on Mother's Day, Father's Day, Nicole's birthday and holidays.

October 2008 - Tim and Tammy received a letter and some photos from Nicole. The day they had always hoped for, when Nicole wanted to know Tim and Tammy and meet them, had come. Communication soon followed with emails, phone calls, night's spent IM'ing and days spent texting. All parties involved wasted no time getting to know one another and filling in the blanks the past 20 years had left. Tim said it felt natural, like they had never been apart, like they have always known each other and been together. God had his hand in every life involved, from the moment He knew He would create that special, loved little baby girl.

November 23, 2008 - Tammy and her family, Tim and our family made the trip to Ellensburg to finally meet Nicole, in person. It was a wonderful day! Nicole is beautiful, smart, laid back, easy to talk with, easy to love. She is awesome with the kids, and they all seemed to take to her quickly...especially Emma. It all felt so comfortable and so natural. Only God knows how the future will play out, but I can say that we are so happy. Nicole always has been and is welcome to always be a part of our family. God has and continues to bless us all. ***scroll down towards the bottom of the page to view the slideshow of pictures from this meeting, "Meeting Nicole 11-23-2008"

October 14, 2008

My Husband the Captain

Just had to honor my husband for just a minute. He is a hard working man who loves his family as much as any man ever could, he works hard and provides a beautiful life for us. He always does everything with the best intentions, with our needs, wants and desires in mind, and works to improve the quality of our already very blessed life. He is loving and kind, giving and generous, he puts his family before himself (except during hunting season, when I'm supposed to cut him some slack), he is selfless, funloving, an incredible daddy and a loving, wonderful husband. He loves God and works daily to rely on Him and His purpose for our lives. We all know that's a very hard one to do! I am proud to have Tim in my life and feel blessed to share my life and children with him, forever.

Until the next opportunity rolls around, Tim will be pretending to work hard (as he always does, you know the life of the fire service) as a Captain and his family is very proud of him! Thanks Tim, for all you are and all you do.

Now take a look at the fun photos we took at Flaming Geyser State Park last weekend. We had fun and got to play around in the leaves. Don't the kids look great?

October 10, 2008

It's Been a While

The last few months have flown by but have been full of many different things. Let me take a few steps backwards and fill you in.

August started with the continued stay of our Japanese exchange student, Yurika. We had a wonderful, busy, fun filled time while she and the other 19 students were visiting. They all arrived on July 22 and stayed through August 11. The first couple days were rough. Tim was working a 3 day and communicating with a foreign exchange student with minimal speaking English was difficult. It got easier and by week two things were really moving along. Yurika and I became very close and Emma loved having a new 'friend' to 'play with'. And boy, did she ever take advantage of the play time with Yurika! There were times I felt bad for taking advantage of my quiet time. Yurika went to class nearly every day and had fun afternoons visiting the local areas and famous Pacific NW attractions. Our family joined the students on their trip to Snoqualmie Falls, Chuck E Cheese, Boehm's Chocolate Factory and a few others. It was great and we are sooooo loocking forward to welcoming another student this coming summer.

Yurika was set to leave on August 11 and return to Japan. Tim had to leave for Denver on August 10. He was honored to be invited by his chief (out ouf many other possible people) to attend the 2008 IAFC Conference in Denver, CO for a week. This was a great opportunity to meet some of the chief's and spend some time talking with the head chief of his department. For those of you that don't know, Tim is going for a promotion to Battalion Chief this month and has been working very hard to achieve that position. After Yurika left, I had some time on my own with the kiddos before heading off to join Tim in CO. I was really looking forward to a little adult time with Tim and the oppoetunity to really dress up for the formal awards dinner night. I even got a beautiful black dress to wear (see the photos to the right). The weather HAD been beautiful prior to my arrival, but I guess Seattle decided to join me and we spent the remainder of the weekend in pouring down rain!

After we got back from CO, the rest of August was pretty low key. And we headed into September, school season (stay tuned) and fall (which arrived right on time according to the calendar). We really enjoyed our summer together, had a great time with the kiddos, watching Jacob grow, celebrating Emma's 3rd birthday with an awesome party and lots of friends, a few days at the park, camping with friends and introducing Yurika to the windy E. WA weather, and lots of nights BBQing our dinner! So, my end to summer is the beginning of September. I always feel that summer ends when school begins, although the calendar may say otherwise. Emma, our baby grown into a big girl but always my baby, started preschool this September. Wow! I can't believe she is already in preschool. It's so much fun seeing her learn and come home every day with a new song she learned and a new art project to put on the fridge. Yes, I'm that mom that has to display my kiddos school work on the fridge. I'm proud of her, and amazed, what can I say?!

October has just begun and we're in full swing. I started sewing this fall and have a table runner and skirt for Emma in the works. I also bought two stockings to make for the kiddos. I didn't realize how much work those were going to take, so Emma's is going to have to wait until next year! I'm already planning the holidays and can't wait for cooking, baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating and all that comes with the holiday season. We have been so blessed with our life and God is so good. I thank Him every day for our blessings and always remember the littls things. It's so easy to take things for granted. I know He will continue to provide for and bless us and we will continue to rely on Him, serve and honor Him. Our family wishes you all well and, though 24 hours goes by so quickly, hours turn into days turn into months, we think of you all, miss you and love you.

September 16, 2008


I've come upon some blog by families of children with Trisomy 18. I didn't know much about this disorder (and I'm probably even wrong in calling it a disorder) and I still don't know much about it. I just know that each time I read a blog and see the precious face of another baby with Trisomy 18 I am thankful. I am thankful for my two healthy children and for not having to face the trials and adversity, grief and sorrow that a family of a Trisomy 18 child does. Be thankful for your healthy children, every day, every minute. And do not forget how precious they are!

September 2, 2008

Every time I blink my eyes

I got a text from my mom this evening.

"I have been very blessed to see her every few days for all her 3 years and I am still not sure when she got so big."

"It happens every time I blink my eyes," I responded.

It's true. Every time I blink my eyes, it's only for a second. But when I open my eyes she's bigger, taller, smarter, wiser, more beautiful and grown up than before I closed my eyes.

August 31, 2008

A thought came to me today...

What is scarrier than thinking that I might die, while my children are young, and leave them without their mother? That I would not be with them during the most important years of their lives. That I would not be here to see them off to school on their first day of kindergarten, or to see them play in their first baseball or soccer game. That I would not be here when they learn to drive or start dating. That I would not get to see them off to college or meet the love of their life. That I would not be here to hold my grandchildren and what them grow.

What is scarrier than thinking that I could lose one of my children? That one could die long before a parent thinks it's their time. That I could be left with an emptiness in my arms and a hole in my heart. That instead of a beautiful face to look at, tender hands to hold, warm cheeks to kiss...I may be left with a photo to look at and memories I cling to like my last breath of life.

This thought came to me today and it's scarrier than anything I've mentioned above. The scarriest thing to me, as a mother, is that my child or my children will not find their salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. That my children's soul may be lost and their lives on a path to everlasting death instead of the everlasting life that Jesus Christ died to give us. That I might watch my children struggle with life while the answer, the salvation, the comfort and peace, the strength and direction we need is waiting right at their feet only needing to be accepted. This is the scarriest thing for me to contemplate as a mother.

But as a Christian, I know that fear and anxiety is not of the Lord. I have a 'big gun' to clear my pathway for this battle that lies ahead. That is prayer. My faith lies in God that my children will find their salvation and no matter when we meet the end of our life on this earth, I will never leave my children. For in Christ Jesus, we will spend eternity together.

July 18, 2008

God gives...

God gives us gentle reminders, every day, on how lucky we are. God has given us breath, He has given us life, He gives us everything we have. And, every morning we wake up and put our feet on the's Him.

His reminders are everywhere and in everything, the songs we hear, the shows we watch, the people we meet. We are blessed to have a God that loves, that forgives, that blesses, that provides. He is my all in all, He is everything to me and without Him I would be nothing.

Thank you God for your reminders!

May 28, 2008

Kids Take You So Literally

Here's an example of how kids take us so literally. Tim was getting ready to go to the store to pick up a few items for dinner. Emma wanted to go back outside to play.

Tim said, "We can't go back outside right now. I'm going to run to the store."

"You're not going in the car?" asked Emma.

"Oh, yes I am going to drive to the store," replied Tim.

When Tim said he was running to the store, Emma took him literally and thought he was going to run instead of drive in the car. I just had to share that with you!

May 18, 2008

A Beautiful Day

Wow! It's amazing what the beautiful, warm, sunny weather does for a mood. The last few days of sunshine and warmth has lifted my spirits and made my already smiling face a little brighter! I have been looking forward to this kind of weather for some time. True, yesterday was a bit warm at 91 degrees, but I won't complain since we had blue skies and beautiful sunshine! God sure has given us a beautiful place to live!

Jacob had his 4 month checkup and vaccines this week. I can't believe it's been more than 4 months since he joined our family. Like I've said time and again, time sure does fly! He weighed in at 14 lb. 14 oz. and was 25.25 inches long. He's actually only in the 46th percentile for weight and 59th for height. It's nice having a 'little guy' since Emma was always in the 90th percentile for height and weight. Our pediatrician is pleased that he is growing well and so healthy. I still say we have a beautiful, sweet little boy and have been blessed time and time again! Jacob can roll over from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy. He doesn't do it all the time, but he's probably just stubborn like his sister. Jacob has been working hard at cutting his first tooth. Teething is proving to be a little harder on him than it was on Emma, but I'm looking forward to seeing that first tooth pop through. These days, jake enjoys sitting in his exersaucer, eating rice cereal while sitting in his Bumbo seat and being outside (in the shade of course) with the family!

Emma has only two more months as a two year old. I can't believe my first baby will be 3 years old. She is growing into such a wonderful little girl but the sad thing is, my 'baby' has been left behind. She's outgrown the baby look, the baby face, the baby words. I'm glad she still has chubby little hands and feet, they're my last bit of baby left in her. Emma has really been enjoying play dates with her best friend, Addy (who is only 2 days older), being a big sister and a great helper to Mommy and Daddy. Emma loves helping us in the yard, playing with the dogs outside, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk and causing mischief right and left. This week we will start ballet lessons and a local community center. We'll see what she thinks and whether this is something she will enjoy or not. This summer she will also run in a track meet, just like her Mommy, Auntie and Papa did for many years! Yet another outlet for her energy and maybe something she'll enjoy...we'll see.

This blog could probably go on and on. You know Tim and I, we're busy people and enjoy being out and about. We're looking forward to our first camping trip (coming up at the end of May) and many more fun activities in the beautiful weather. Stay tuned to see what we do next and how the kids grow and change. We love you guys!

May 5, 2008

Things I Want to Remember...

...about Emma: the way she looked at me with her big, dark eyes right after she was born; the way she felt so safe in my arms; how peaceful she is while she is sleeping; the softness of her little, chubby hand touching my face; the way she would say "peas" (for please) and slide her hand across her chest with such enthusiasm when she really wanted something; the way I felt when I saw her first smile, heard her first laugh, saw her crawl for the first time and take her first steps; the unbelieveable joy I feel just watching her be a kid, blowing bubbles, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, playing with friends; the way she sits, looking at books and recounting the stories, with toddler-like accuracy; he tiny, chubby little feet, how soft and precious they are; her innocence; the sound of her saying, "I love you too Mommy", "I sure do love you", "Mommy what can I do to help?" and "I love Jacob, he's my best friend"; watching her read a book to her newborn brother; the sound she makes while sucking on her 'nana' right after falling asleep; her honesty and curiosity; listening to her sing "tinkle tinkle little tar, how I wonder what you ahh..."; listening to her sing "you are my sunshine"; the feeling of her sleeping soundly, peacefully, in my arms;

...about Jacob: the quiet peacefullness he had when he was born; his big, dark eyes when he was born and finally opened them; the way he chews on his hands like there is nothing better; his first gummy smile; his first little laugh that I just couldn't get him to repeat, but that brought happy/sad tears to my eyes; his snorting, snoring and loud breathing; the peacefulness he exhibits while he is sleeping; his smell; his skinny, tiny little feet; his skinny little butt; the 'mmm, mmm' sound he makes when he is eating, like he was starving; the monkey-like screach he would make when he was a newborn (I lovingly nicknamed him Monkey because of this and his long fingers and toes); the newborn curiosity and awe he exhibits when he watches Emma play; the joy I feel when I think of how blessed I am to have my little boy, when every fiber in me thought we would have a girl and thought I wanted another girl.

Time passes so quickly and memories slowly fade. My children are precious and my heart so wants to hold onto these memories, for them to never fade. I can only take so many photos, not every memory can be recalled as if it just happened. Maybe noting these will help them remain vivid in my mind, as the hours, days, years pass, new events take place. I can only hope that I will never forget these little things that bring me such joy.

April 19, 2008

I can't believe we're past the middle of April and we're getting snow! Tim, of course, loves it and I'm left rolling my eyes wondering what kind of weather to expect next. Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. Time flies even faster since we welcomed Jacob into our family, more than 3 months ago!

Jacob is getting so big and is so much fun! He smiles often and coos all the time. You can tell when he is really getting into something because he kicks his legs like crazy! He's getting used to sitting in his Bumbo seat and is getting better at tummy time. He still seems so little to me but is so strong and I think he'll roll over, sit up and crawl before Emma did. Jacob loves Emma and watching her every move. Emma is still a great help and an awesome big sister.

Tim is looking forward to opening day of fishing season next weekend. He has 5 days off and is planning to take Emma fishing Saturday morning. She is such a daddy's girl and loves every minute they spend together! We are all looking forward to our first camping trip next month! We have a trailer this year and are excited to get to use it. We're also looking forward to taking the kids to their first Mariner's game this season. Tim has been honored by being selected to go to a chief's conference in Denver this August. Tim has worked so hard this year, going above and beyond, and is hoping to get a chief promotion later this year. This invitation to the conference is a big deal and we are all proud of him!

We're all doing great and loving every minute of family life! God has blessed us and we are so thankful for our continued good health and the opportunities He blessed us with. We hope this update finds all of you doing well too. Until next time...

April 5, 2008

Blank Slate

When I was pregnant with Emma, I distinctly remember a phone conversation I had with my mom. I was crying, emotional and overwhelmed at the prospect that God was blessing us and entrusting us with His child. He had given us His child to care for, to love, to raise as He would raise His child. That thought is overwhelming and amazing! Again, when I was pregnant with Jacob, I was in awe at the thought that yet again God had entrusted us with one of His children. What a gift!

Although I enjoy hearing what he has to say, I don't often watch Dr. Phil. I just don't have the time. But last night I had it on briefly and something he said caught my attention. Our children are born a blank slate and every day we write on it. What a powerful statement! Having it expressed in that way really put it all in perspective. We are fully responsible for shaping our children, for molding them and making them who they will be. Genetics plays a certain role, but when they are born they are blank slates. Think about that...

March 17, 2008

Time Flies - Jacob is 2 Months Old!

Time really flies when you hardly have time to eat and shower each day! Ah, the joys of motherhood!

Jacob is 10 weeks this coming Thursday and had his 8 week checkup early last week. He's just a little guy compared to Emma at this age. He is now 11lb. 8oz. and 23.5 inches long. He is in the 45th percentile for weight, 60th percentile for height and 53rd percentile for head size. Emma was in the 90th percentile for everything until she was 2 years old. I like having my little boy. I have one of each and am so thankful for that!

Emma is a wonderful big sister and a great helper. I think she has pretty much adjusted to having a brother and now we're just dealing with her being a smart 2 year old. I can't believe in just a few short months my first baby will be 3 years old!

We're looking forward to spring and summer and all the fun things we enjoy doing during those months. We have some camping trips planned and dozens of days spent hanging out and BBQing. Next month is the tulip festival that we love going to. It's a great backdrop for family pictures! We're looking forward to taking the kids to their first baseball game and Jacob's first camoping trip in our trailer thanks to the Eikums! I'm sure to post more pictures and updates, so check back!

February 12, 2008

One Month Already!

Time has never flown by so quickly as when you are a parent. The days used to drag on into weeks and a year seemed like it took forever to pass. Once they place your child in your arms it seems time switches to warp speed and a year is over before you know it! It still seems like yesterday that Emma was born, but she will be three in a matter of months. Jacob is already a month old and changing more every day. It's amazing and makes me cherish each little moment.

February 4, 2008

Reality Check

I'm playing single mom right now. That's what I say when Tim is away. He left yesterday for PA for training (for work) for a week. And, of course, Emma got sick yesterday too. It never fails when Tim is away for more than a day, Emma gets sick. So, mom and dad move out tomorrow (their house is finally done being built), Tim is away, Emma is sick and I am learning to be a mom of two! Talk about a reality check :-) I pray each day for patience and grace, a couple things I think all moms could use a lot of. And, I'm trying to enter this week with no expectations. So, if I don't get things accomplished that I want big deal. If the house is a mess all day big deal. If I don't get a wink of sleep, because Jacob eats every 3-4 hours and Emma is coughing all big, wait that's a big deal. But, you get what I'm saying.

Two kids is a lot different than one. I knew that going in, but it's still a big wake up call. Double everything, twice the demands, twice the love, double the joy. We're adjusting well I think and we're all settling in to our new roles. It's already been a month (well, on Thursday) since Jacob was born. I can't believe how quickly that time has passed! It's seems like it's gone faster than when Emma was born. Maybe it's because we're busier. Jacob is doing wonderful. He's a big eater, but not the best breast feeder, so I've resorted to pumping. He's growing well and thriving. He's really paying attention to when we talk to him. He looks at you with his big, curious eyes and you can just tell he wants to talk back to us! He lays on his activity mat and watches the little bird fly back and forth and really likes the fish mobile that rotates on his swing. It's amazing how much he has changed in one month and I look forward to (though not rushing) all of the milestones he will experience in the future.

Emma seems to be adjusting well to her new role as big sister and mommy's helper. She really loves Jacob and can't wait to see him in the morning or after her naps. Emma is learning to be gentle, which she never really had to do before. She is also in the middle of potty training and is doing well with that too. I wonder what their relationship will be like and hope it's not like my sister and mine was when we were growing up. We weren't best friends until I was an adult. I'd really like Emma and Jacob to be close for their whole lives, even as children. I guess we'll see what the Lord has in store for us and what new adventures He leads us on.

January 19, 2008

Parenthood, a Blessing!

Wow! I'm writing this from a mom perspective, but I think I can probably speak for Tim as well. Just change mom to dad for his perspective :-) I am so blessed! More blessed than I could have ever imagined for myself. Sometimes I wonder what good deed I did to have deserved such a wonderful husband and two beautiful, healthy children! I sometimes feel unworthy of such 'wonderfulness'!

You may have heard me say before that a child is the greatest gift God can give a person (2nd really to salvation, but great still). When I had Emma, I said that God had entrusted me with the biggest job a person can have, to raise a child in the likeness of God Himself. What a task! It's sometimes so overwhelming. What a trusting God to give me one of His precious children to raise, to love, to care for, to guide. But I can do it. Just like everything else in life, God doesn't hand us something we cannot handle, something we cannot accomplish. All He asks is that we trust wholely in Him and rely on Him for all our needs. That's something I'm still working on, but strive each day to do. That is how I will be successful in raising His two precious children!

Emma and Jacob are the two greatest joys in my life, and Tim (not in a religious sense) is my salvation, my rock and my humor when I cannot find my own. Bringing Jacob home has been both joyous and challenging at the same time. Once again I find myself adjusting to being a new mom, the demands a nursing newborn has on my time, my energy, my body. Then I find myself helping Emma adjust to her new role in the family, no longer the baby but a big sister and an incredible helper! She really loves Jacob and loves being involved in his care. She talks to him when he's upset and crying and the first thing she asks for in the morning is to see Jake. She really loves him and I am so thankful for that!

Well, parenthood continues with it's joys and challenges, ups and downs. We'll stumble, we'll fall and we'll pick each other back up and move forward. It's fun, it's hard work, it's frustrating and joyous. But the only thing that matters is that God has blessed us incredibly!

January 11, 2008

Baby Nold has Arrived!

Yes! Our new bundle finally made his grand debut. Yes, I said "his". Jacob Stone Nold arrived Thursday January 10th, 2008 at 9:37 am. He weighed in at 9lb. 4oz. and 20 inches long. He has blonde hair and is absolutely adoreable. His big sister, Emma, is so proud and loves being a big sister! She is so anxious to help with everything and really enjoys holding him. We're working on "sharing" him with others and that may take a while. Mom and baby are doing well and we are all adjusting. Enjoy the photos and check back often for more Adventures in Family Life!